Using Slice to prepare for Wet Labs

March 25, 2015

Teaching anatomy in institutions that do not have access to cadavers can be challenging. The Endeavour College of Natural Health integrates clinical anatomical teaching with many of their clinical courses ensuring students have a strong grounding in biomedical science. I have been teaching this course for over 4 years. My students love clinical anatomy and I love when I can make the experience relevant to them. Before the BEST Network, I utilized images from our prescribed text and directed students to educational videos on YouTube, but due to copyright issues was not easily able to incorporate other relevant resources.

Example annotation.

Becoming a member of BEST gave me access to quality assured online course material to supplement my face to face tutorials and access to thousands of images. Slice allowed me to display images of anatomical structures in situ, in lectures. Students follow on their personal device annotating images in real time as I talk, giving them advanced notes to return to for review. They were also able to share their annotations with me for feedback or with each other. This was particularly valuable as my students have limited time with cadaver material and need to go into the wet lab prepared. I noticed an increase in wet lab participation and engagement after utilising these images during my lectures.

Johanna Elms
Clinical Anatomical Educator
Endeavour College of Natural Health, Sydney